Wealth and Feng Shui

Allow Qi to flow

Wealth is a form of energy exchange.

Depending on the value you add , the impact you make, or the people you transform, then exchange is made in Wealth Qi (or money).

In Feng Shui we analyze if there are certain obstructions present that block Wealth Qi in your house. This block can be right outside, like a pile of trash and rubbish, an electric pylon, a big tree or too much foliage that won’t even let sunlight get to the entrance of the house.

A Wealth Qi block can be also inside the house, like clutter blocking the flow of Qi, if your house is treated as a storage, the energy won’t flow, maybe the entrance is a too narrow space or you see directly a wall when you open the door.

All these are examples of things that might be blocking your wealth energy and might be easy to spot. Each one external or internal will translate on a different expression on your life. For example, could be problems with communication with your work staff (internal block), or you started a big project and then got stagnant for a long time (external block).

Another issue (that is not precisely a block) is when you open your front door and you can see a straight communication with a back door. In this case, the energy that gets through the door doesn’t stand a chance of accumulating and flowing in the house, instead it gets in and straight back out the back, so you might noticing for example, how you have a lot of expenses, money that you get, money that goes out on payment or unexpected expenses (Note that this might happen for other several reasons, but if this door to door opening is present in your house, it might be the reason for the in and out wealth Qi).

You must allow Qi to flow throughout the house.

Once you have unobstructed flow of energy, Qi is abundant, you will be able to inspire, to create, to innovate.

Now, take into consideration this, sometimes, you have all the Qi flowing, but you might not be prepared to manage it, this is when you need to know what are your talents and skills, that can be maximized the best based on your Bazi, to align with the energies of your house.

When you have a Bazi reading or a Natal chart done, you will find a lot of information. From your more evident personalities characteristics that everyone around you can see, to other traits that might be even hidden to you. You will learn the why you behave how you do, or why you react in a certain way with you friends, or in your job or to people closer to you. You will learn if you have the drive to go for the money and where to look for it, if is better to borrow, and from who/where? A Bazi reading will let you know the Industries where you have the most chances to succeed as well as the roles on it, Because you might be in an industry related to Water, for example like journalism, but playing the role on finance or executive or on the motivational, group culture instead. You can play the role you will succeed the best in the wrong industry if you are unaware of this knowledge.

Switch to an abundance mentality, starting from self worth!
