Before you buy a house

Once you are living in a house, you can only tap to the already existent energies of your home. But what if before buying the house, you want to chose one that is align with your intentions, surrounded by good Qi and tapping to the most prosperous energies for you, like align with your personal GUA (or at least the one of the breadwinner).

First make sure the area to chose is abundant in nature or green vegetation, that is a good sign of good Qi.

Try to avoid landforms like rocky mountains, a steep slope, an electric pylon or stagnant pond on sight, or a street coming directly to the door, this can degrade Qi quality of the energy getting in the house. It is called “Sha Qi”.

The shape of the property should be more of a square or rectangle, preferably not much of an irregular shape, since you could have a missing sector that would end up in a missing of what that sector represents (for example, the NorthWest GUA, represents the head of the house, older man or eldest son among other things like muscles, bone and head, and if missing this area from the house, this can mean  on the father/spouse being out of the house most of the time due to work, travel, a health issue, etc).

Now, the main door of the property shouldn’t ”clash” the Chinese Year animal sign of the buyer (if you were born in the Year of the Dog, for example), this will tend to make you face with tiring and restless activities in the house. You want the main door to don’t be block with vegetation, if it’s hiding the entrance in greenery although might look nice, people living in such houses tend to be more “lazy” or too calm.

The side of the house that faces the street is usually the “Facing” side of the house, the side with more activity or Yang side, the back of the house, more Yin energy is the “Sitting” side of the house. The front of the house should be broad, open preferably with sight of water (streets represents water symbolically), this represents wealth and opportunities, you don’t want a narrow access.

The back of the property, should have the support of mountain or hills, this suggest good health, relationships and descendants. If you lack of it, could mean difficulties to recover from events related to health and wealth.

If the house is located on the inside of a curve road, like wrapping the house, it is known to be auspicious for creating wealth. The opposite is not, try to avoid this.

If looking from the inside of the house out, the left side should has taller or more mountains/hills or even houses, than the right side of the house, this means the head of the household has more support and harmony energies.

Evaluate the property before buying!