“If you don’t change direction, you might end up where you are headed” Lao Tzu

The natal charts or Bazi, have certain interactions that Dato Joey Yap calls Punishments, this is a certain structure, formation, combination, call it what you like, but at the end the result is that you end up doing something you know is not right (for you or others) but you still do it or get involved in it. These behaviors can be from drinking, smoking, over eating to fill a void, bullying someone, being a doormat, you get the idea…

Now, the mind is very powerful… and until you really (from the bottom of your heart) want something, then you will be able to do whatever it is to get it, or transform it, even if it seems impossible.

So if you knew that due to this certain interaction in your chart, you have this tendency or behaviors, wouldn’t that help you think, “Oh, I’m not crazy, I don’t have to follow my chart, I can change this, I will change this”. Wouldn’t you want to gain clarity of your capacities and possibilities?

The first step always is being aware, realize you are doing (or not doing) that something, then desire to change it. Here is where the work comes. Whatever it is, you’ll need a plan, a strategy, maybe even help from friends or family. Then is where the Feng Shui, Qi Men and date selection will come in handy!

Feng Shui will help to determine where in your house could boost your personality or life purpose, health, or mentors, etc. Date selection will let you choose the best day to start this changes you want to do. Qi Men will tell you when, and using a direction to back to manifest what you now want, or to do your desired work.

Without awareness, nothing changes…

Article by fengshibyshalimar